Webcast: Experts Roundtable - IT Outsourcing Trends in Western Europe in 2021

About the webcast

2020 studies show the return of cost reduction as a core benefit of outsourcing for business. In the face of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, it can be expected that this outsourcing trend is likely to reign supreme for the next two or three years. In the latest white paper, entitled “How IT Outsourcing is Becoming the New Normal”, Comarch explores the reasons behind this tendency, as well as the most popular outsourcing methods, top destinations and much more.

In this roundtable discussion, the statements and statistics presented in the white paper will be compared with the opinions of experts who deal with IT outsourcing every day. The meeting will be hosted by Paulina Wąsowska, strategy and innovation expert, Harvard lecturer, public speaker, and business practitioner with 20 years of experience in the ICT industry (Cisco, Dell and Nokia), Harvard lecturer.



  • Why do companies outsource IT in 2021?
  • What outsourcing options/types are available?
  • Outsourcing destination: Poland


Bartlomiej Kluska
 ICT Consulting Director | Comarch AG
Bartlomiej Kluska is the ICT Consulting Director at Comarch where he is responsible for Datacenter and Cloud as well as IT Outsourcing products and services for D-A-CH area. Dealing for many years with other providers and manufacturers as a customer, he acquired an extraordinary point of view and approach to the provision of services, which he applies in his daily work while architecting comprehensive IT solutions.

Pawel Lopatka
VP & Country Manager at SoftServe & ABSL VP Strategic Board Member
Mentor and coach of startup environments. Graduated from the Opole University of Technology, Abertay University in Dundee and doctoral studies in field of Strategic Management from the University of Economics in Wroclaw. Gained global experience in companies such as Redknee, Nokia, Siemens and BBC Scotland.

Paula Wasowska
Business practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the high-tech industry
Paula is an experienced business leader, mentor and expert in innovation and competitive strategy both in Poland and abroad. She has gained professional experience in Poland, Central Europe, emerging markets, and Silicon Valley in California. She is a member of supervisory and advisory boards in companies and NGOs, vice president of the Association of Professional Speakers in Poland and a former Chair of American Chambers of Commerce Innovation Committee.

Pawel Raczynski 
Global Technology Services Leader, Poland and Baltics in support of Kyndryl
For over 20 years, Pawel specializes in developing and implementing comprehensive IT services and complex transformation strategies. He is passionate about technological innovations and their practical business application. At IBM, Pawel manages the technology services business unit and is responsible for introducing Kyndryl brand to the Polish and Baltics market. In addition, Pawel actively supports social responsibility programs and #GoodTech initiatives.

Webcast: Experts Roundtable: IT Outsourcing Trends in Western Europe in 2021

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